Saturday, May 21, 2011

How Buddhism could have influenced Adi SankarAcharya?

Question: How Buddhism could have influenced Adi sankarAchArya?

Answer: Adi sankarAchArya's preceptor was gOvinda bhagavatpAda. gOvinda bhagavatpAda's preceptor was gauDapAdAchArya.

gauDapAdAchArya was the author of the Sanskrit work 'mAnDUkyakArika'. It is a commentary on the 'mAnDUkyOpanishad'. gOvinda bhagavatpAda saluted Buddha in this work and incorporated several tenets of Buddhism.

Adi sankara was born in 786 A.D. It was the period when Buddhism was at its zenith with support coming from Emperor Harsha and the visit of Huen Tsang. Sankara seems to be the first monk who adopted 'shaven head' as a part of the dress code. Insistence on continuous movement of monks, four months interregnum during the rainy season, gradual shift to idol-worship were also Buddhist influences.

Ritualists of the period called Sankaracharya a prachchanna Buddha (Buddha in disguise).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Budda was influenced by the Vedas and Upanishads. He was truly a gift for the common man who was being cheated by a class of people. his teachings were simple and real though inspired the earlier knowledge existing at that time. Adi shankara by his commentaries explained the Brahma sutras,Gita and upanishads. Swami Vivekananda says once it was understood that the tenets emanated from Upanishads and Vedas people returned to the Main stream. That is why Budda is deemed to be an Avatar.He truly
is.Shankara also integrated the Shanmathas. Only 32 years. Why not more?Brilliance delivers faster.