Saturday, May 21, 2011

Who are smArtAs?

Question: Who are smArtAs?

smArtAs are those who follow the 'smritIs'.
Smriti means what is memorised. These memories are 'recalled and remembered' precepts which have been taught by preceptors and sages.

The followers of Sankara have a tradition of calling themselves 'smArtas'. This is in spite of adding the tenents of Buddhism, contents of epics like rAmayana and mahAbhArata, to the memorised precepts of Upanishads, brAhmaNas (exchange of conversations between teacher and disciples. Here we cannot apply the meaning of a caste or class) and AraNyakas (Conversations in Forests).

The smArtas did a balancing exercise among the exgtremely deviating six worship groups of the day : 1. Siva 2. Vishnu 3. Sakti 4. Sun God 5. ShaNmukha (KumAra or kArtikEya or Murguga or subrahmaNya) 6. ganEsha (vinAyaka or vighnEsa or gaNapati).

The smArtas ceased performing the violent / animal sacrifices of the Vedic Period. They started using the same Vedic chants in a non-violent manner offering flowers and fruits, vegetarian puddings, savouries to the Gods.

smArta system strengthened the polytheism prevalent in Hindu sects, by harmonising them.

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