Friday, March 30, 2012

008 Replies to comments of Mr. pUjAri Ankur

Pujari Ankur said...

Oh Man whoz u , u said ur Householder and a Hindu. Hmmm ur quite interesting. You want the Wisdon which our Ancestors had but u dont want the Main thing where the Wisdom directs. Shri Ramakrishna used to say that the Vedas , Scriptures and Vedanta are but the Means to realize God and attributed the Importance to Realization and Scriptures just as a means. He gave a nice eg.
A man was asked to bring certain things from home and a letter containing the list was given to him. but he lost it and searched for it like anything. even ppl joined him and they found it. he then checked for the Contents and once he knew them he threw it off. The Scriptures are like that letter they can atmost guide u for Self Realization.

In Particular u seem to hate the Great Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta. But what ? Trurt is Truth
Advaita Satyam !
What a Fun ! AT times u appear rational at times completely Irrational.
May God Reveal himself to u.

I am unable to recollect, having severely criticised advaita philosophy anywhere.
True advaita philosophy i.e. integration of one-self with the nature outside his-her body i.e. ignoring the skin which separates a person from the outside world, opens the gate way to rationalism and atheism. It is like a base camp for climbing the Mount Everest i.e. atheism, Marxism, Humanism.

Your rAmakrishNa parama hamsa was an expert in telling stories. But he knew where his bread was buttered, creamed, honeyed, and iced. He knew, how to consume a goat's meat on an ashTami day in the name of a custom-y day. He knew, how to ensure his rich devotees pay huge rents for large houses in Calcutta, and hire for the horse carriages, he and his entourage travelled in. He went on wearing shoes and fabulous clothes, while his disciples wove stories around him, that he was sweeping the floors of Kali temple, with his hair! Now which wisdom of your ancients directs you to believe that kALi wanted goat's meat only on the ashTami (8th day of lunar waxing)?

Which wisdom directed the mayasabha priests to consume pork (See sabha parvam of VyAsa mahAbhArata)? Which wisdom directed Sage VasishTha to consume beef (proof: See Uttara RAma caritra of bhavabhUti)?

Which wisdom directed Great King AmbarIsha to buy sunassepa as substitute for sacrificial animal? Why Didn't Vasishtha and VisvAmitra discourage him from attempting a human sacrifice?

Which wisdom directed the Great Satya Harischandra to buy a youth and present him to Yama in lieu of his own (Harischandra's) son?

Which wisdom made Dasaratha to smell the burnt horse fat in the asvamEtha fire and believe that all his sins were cleansed?

Which wisdom made Queen Kausalya to stab the sacrificial horse three times, simply because the brahma, adharva, udghAta and ritvik asked her to stab the horse?

You found fun in my raising issues. But, you do not find fun in your Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lifting the goat's meat to his forehead on the ashTami day and believing that Mother kAli accepted it.

Most of his followers, including Swami Vivekananda too knew where their breads were buttered, creamed, honeyed, and iced - with the exception of innocent devotees/disciples like balrAm bOse.

You are a student of C.A. (Chartered Accountant). By this time, you might have completed your course and started your practice. You have to certify the Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets of Limited Companies as true and correct. Indian non-manufacturing business houses are like 'baby ghosts' whereas the foreign business houses are like 'piSAcAs' and I am afraid that we shall not be able to protect the interests of our country, if we believe things blindly. We have to make an in-depth study of whatever we touch. We must be able to read between the lines.

Example: You have a belief that all priests and sages were fine persons. Now, let us see the 'maya sabha' (assembly hall) scene in VyAsa mahA bhArata, sabhA parva.

If you will go deeply into the description of the 'maya sabha' and rAjasUya arrangements, it can be observed that YudhishThira maintained 88,000 BrAhmins (better say priests) and gave them 32 women each. Total comes to something like 26,40,000 (You are a chartered Accountant, you know more counting and calculations than me). YudhiShThira fed his guests with pork -bacon - ham (varAha mAmsam)! Guests included rishis and munis. What contemplations, meditations, dhyAnams, japams and samAdhis they can make after consuming pork (varAha mAmsam)? Of course, those pigs may not be street pigs or sIma pigs (foreign hybrid breed). They may only be wild forest pigs. If guests consumed pork, how can the hosts remain behind? We have to presume that YudhishThira and his relatives ALSO, consumed pork. Well, I shall not find fault with them for consuming pork or beef or something else, which was a custom of those days and it was their personal or royal affair.

What I wish to point out is, simply because something was ancient, we need not take it as 100% perfect and pure. There were imperfections, as was natural.

After the arrival of Buddha, SankarAcArya, rAmAnujAcArya, madhwAcArya, et al., there were reforms. But not enough. Proof: existence of untouchability till 1947. Existence of child marriages and sati.

How long should we repeat stotras (hymns and odes) indulging in idol worship 24 hours a day, washing idols with precious milk and curd, performing kalyANOtsavams (weddings of God), disputing the dates of kalyANOtsavams etc. Your Gr.8 souls (pl. see your comment at my philosophers-Vivekananda blog) have not crossed the stage of goat-sacrifices, fireworks and durga pendals. They could not proceed beyond chicken, Shad fish and turtles.

About self-realisation: It is not difficult to understand the meaning of self-realisation and getting it on theoretical plane. The true test for a self-realised person exists for him in his practice. You can see that test, which Adi Sankara had undergone, when he was going to the Ganga river. A tanner appeared before him on his path. Shankara said 'move aside'. The tanner asked him: "Who should move? the body or the soul?". SankarAcArya realised his mistakes.

A SwAmiji may give 'anugraha bhAshaNam' to devotees that they should bear all hardships patiently, till their sancita karmas (accumulated past sinful actions) are exhausted. But when he himself is arrested on a charge of murder, he disbelieves that it was his sancita karma which placed him in jail. He would engage top High Court and Supreme Court Advocates paying millions of Rupees as fee for repeatedly pestering every court with pleas of bail. He expresses doubts that trials may not take place impartially. He becomes restless in police and judicial custody. In reality, he should be extremely happy that his sancita karmAs are getting exhausted, and that when the puNya-pApa balance becomes nil, he will get 'mOksha'. He refuses to think that for a true SwAmIji with a title of "teacher for the world", the inside of a jail and the outside of a jail should be same. So, fun is ubiquitous in our preachings and in our behaviours.

I do not wish to dive still deeper into this matter, as it may hurt your sentiments.

I welcome your questions.


Ravi said...

Chanced to visit your site and read the article on Sri Ramakrishna and goat meat offered to Kali.Here are a couple of excerpts from The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna for your deliberation:
1.One day Jatindra came to the garden of Jadu Mallick. I was there too. I asked him: 'What is the duty of man? Isn't it our duty to think of God?' Jatindra replied: 'We are worldly people. How is it possible for us to achieve liberation? Even King Yudhisthira had to have a vision of hell.' This made me very angry. I said to him: 'What sort of man are you? Of all the incidents of Yudhisthira's life, you remember only his seeing hell. You don't remember his truthfulness, his forbearance, his patience, his discrimination, his dispassion, his devotion to God.' I was about to say many more things, when Hriday stopped my mouth.
After a little while Jatindra left the place, saying he had some other business to attend to.

2.It isn't good to be clever. The crow is very clever, but it eats others filth.'

3.The right intelligence is that through which one attains God; but the intelligence that enables one to become a deputy magistrate or a lawyer, or to acquire a house, is a mean intelligence. It is like thin and watery curd, which merely soaks flattened rice but does not add any flavour to it. It is not like thick, superior curd. But the intelligence through which one attains God is like
thick curd."

welcoming criticism is not as important as being self critical - discarding one's vanity and to develop true discrimination is what is needed.I read your other articles as well.

Anonymous said...

Ybr,s objection is why should Ramakrishna offer and eat meat if he was fully realized soul? Same objection holds true to Swamy Vivekananda.
Ybr has a keen intellect and a true seeker of truth. He is yet to get a true Spiritual Guru. God bless you my friend.