Thursday, April 26, 2012

009 Adi SankarAcArya's role in the history of Nepal

26th April 2012 i.e. today is being celebrated as the birth anniversary of Adi SankarAcArya.

At the moment of writing this blog-post, Mr. paripUrNAnanda sarasvati, a self-appointed pIThAdhipati, along with Mr. tridanDi SrImannArAyaNa Jeeyar, and Mr. SuguNEndra teerdha are addressing the audience at the NTR Stadium, kAkinADa.

The Hindu daily news paper reported Mr. paripUrNAnanda's aim in arranging the meet: Quote

He recalled how Adi Sankara had in the 7th Century started the resurrection of a ‘Sanatana Dharma' that was in danger of being throttled under the grip of atheists, adding that supporting this movement were Madhwacharyas and Ramanujacharyas.

The need for the different disciplines practising ‘Sanatana Dharma' to come together in an attempt to have a single focus, one single ‘mantra', one book and one way of going about it is important.

We can anticipate what Mr. paripOOrNAnanda is going to say on the dias.

I am sure, that he will not say anything about the devastating, cruel role played by Adi SankarAcArya (or his followers with or without his consent, in driving out Buddhism from Nepal.

We expect Adi Shankaracharya, as a monk, to be soft and enlightened.  In spreading his relgion, we do not expect him to be blood-thirsty like the turkish Islamic invaders of the Middle Ages.


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AnilKB said...

Your criticism and critical analysis in many blogs are appreciable. Your selection of such spiritual gems show the fine constitution of your mind. Keep it up.